Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Volunteering at the Collierville Food Pantry

Volunteers (l-r) Ruby Mears, Jim Barkley, Pam Aquadro
I have been volunteering at the Collierville Food Pantry for three years.  I am humbled every time I volunteer.  It is so hard to imagine not having enough food to feed your family.  Just seeing the gratitude of the clients that come in make my time there so worthwhile.  By helping the Collierville Food Pantry stock shelves so that bags of food can be given to those who need it, is so rewarding.  You leave there with a warm fuzzy feeling and look forward to returning.

An added bonus is the fellowship and comradery you get to experience with your brothers and sisters in Christ.  It helps to further grow personal relationships with fellow church members outside the church walls.  I would highly encourage anyone who has two free hours a week to volunteer and witness for themselves the great work that is being done at the Collierville Food Pantry. What do you have to lose?

Pam Aquadro

Soup Kitchen Heroes

The Heroes: (front row l-r) Sally Wanzer, Ann Cross, Janet Hanson, Elaine Graf, Tingting Davis, Suzanne Dunn (back row l-r)  Bill Moore, Ruth Lewis, Jo Hall, Wes Ashworth, Ruby Mears, Mike Hanson, Beth Jett

On a warm spring Sunday afternoon 13 dear souls from Collierville Presbyterian Church gave their time to serve the inner city of Memphis.  First Presbyterian Church in downtown regularly hosts a Sunday Soup Kitchen for the homeless and disadvantaged of our city manned by area church volunteers.

Our merry team joined in setting up tables, serving soup and sandwiches, taking prayer requests, and assisting in guest’s clothes selections.  Time flew by as physical needs were momentarily met and lasting impressions of “the unseen” in our city were made.  One of the Soup Kitchen administrators reminded us that we were “feeding and clothing Jesus this day “ and we all felt humbled to be there.

- Sally Wanzer


“Look at the daffodils!” she said, viewing our backyard.

Most people feel elated when they spot colorful shoots breaking through the cold soil. And for good reason. Spring's flowers in the wake of winter's pall proclaim resurrection.

Indeed, Psalm 19 notes nature's eloquence. “The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech …”

And pouring forth speech for me are the daffodils, particularly those that flourish unmaintained in cemeteries. Couple their eloquence with the Good News of Jesus Christ, and this announcement rings: “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die” (John 11: 25-26).

Wishing You and Yours a Wondrous Easter,
